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ERASMUS and Study Abroad Agreements

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ESME is proud to be a signatory to the Erasmus Charter. Did you know that you could study at ESME through the Erasmus Program?

The ERASMUS program is financed by the European Union and proposes measures designed to support exchanges between institutions of higher education in Europe by targeting:

  • An improvement in the quality, and the reinforcement of the European aspect, of higher education.
  • An increase in the mobility of students, teachers, and university personnel.
  • Enhanced multilateral cooperation between institutions of higher education and institutions of higher education and companies.
  • The transparency and recognition of qualifications acquired during higher education and advanced professional training in Europe.




Student mobility

ESME considers time abroad as an integral part of the education of a future engineer. Consequently, ESME has made it mandatory for 1st year students of the engineering program to spend a semester studying abroad at a partner university. the school has set up a selection procedure for this purpose, where partner universities and students are matched according to the student’s interests and academic level.

The school also makes it possible for students to spend the last year of their engineering studies in a partner university abroad, if their reasons for doing so are justified and if such a stay would be beneficial to their career plans. Finally, all students are encouraged to take internships abroad.

Teacher mobility

In addition to student mobility, teacher mobility (inbound and outbound) is systematically integrated into the bilateral agreements of ESME.

Events in support of international mobility

The school continually heightens awareness among its students and entire personnel regarding the importance of mobility outside of France by regularly organizing events dedicated to international mobility: the presentation of universities during visits by partners, international conference weeks in English with guest lecturers from abroad, festive gatherings, and accounts of students returning from abroad.

Innovative initiatives

A number of initiatives are underway to strengthen inbound student mobility, such as the signing of bilateral agreements which include laboratory internships at ESME and the development of an academic offer taught in English (long and short programs).


Pedagogical collaboration between ESME and its partners

ESME develops bilateral agreements on every continent to ensure its students have the widest possible selection of destinations for their study abroad.

Special attention is paid to the engineering programs on offer at the partner universities that are chosen. The International Office coordinates collaboration between the school and its partners to establish programs of study in each destination.

Partners around the world

The 5 BRICS countries are priority destinations for ESME.

The school also aims to strengthen its ties with the world’s English-speaking countries (for linguistic reasons), and Eastern Europe, because of the excellent mathematics and engineering results which are often achieved there.

Finally, ESME works on developing Erasmus + bilateral university agreements to encourage student mobility and enrich its partnerships in Europe.

Exchange between partners

The International Office regularly welcomes delegations from partner universities, willing to give the opportunity to theyr students to study at ESME. When doing so, it makes a point of creating a link between its visiting partners, the ESME pedagogical and administrative team, and its students. Similarly, ESME also travels to its partner universities to meet these universities’ own individual teams.

In addition, the school participates in large international conferences (NAFSA , APAIE, EAIE) as well as fairs and workshops organized by Campus Francen+i, the CGE, and the CDEFI.


In terms of international research, ESME’s strategy consists of taking advantage of its numerous partnerships established in the promotion of education to identify convergences and develop joint projects.

Contacts have already been established, e.g. with the BIPT (Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, China), and the TUT (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa).

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Privately Endowed Graduate Educational Institution – Education Authority of Créteil Registration – This school is a member of IONIS Education Group such as :